
Šturmai harbour is reminiscent of the XIX century and surrounded by peaceful sounds. Part of the harbour is managed by fishermen; their vessels set sail from here. Sometimes individual yachts with tourists searching for serenity as well as small boats stop here by chance.
The harbour is peaceful and romantic. Three ancient Curonian fishing boats, or Kurėnai, which serve as arbours, provide shelter for anyone wishing to enjoy this place full of subtle activities and to observe the fishermen’s work, the sun’s journey across the sky and the wavering water.
Three teams of fishermen work in Šturmų harbour. In any weather and season fisherman set sail into the lagoon each day.
They are people of the water, inhabitants of the lagoon. Their fathers and forefathers were fishermen too, and they have carried on the best fishing traditions and tricks of the trade from them. These are the people who bring fresh fish to our kitchen and smokehouse every day. Their neighbourhood, the smell of fish, and their sincere and rough talk – like an uncut stone – create the unique spirit and sounds of our harbour.

Švyturio g. 7, Šturmų km., Šilutės r.